Online Class Notes (Jesse)

Today we focused on:

reviewed the last few classes and focused on making longer sentences. SVO + CONJUNCTION + SVO!!


enough – gou le – “enuff”
eg. I have enough money because I am rich

rent – zu
eg. I don’t like renting my house because I like to own houses

apartment – gong yu
eg. there are many flowers in the apartment and I love flowers

pillow – zhen tou
eg. I don’t want to use the pillow to sleep because it is uncomfortable

can / be able to – neng
eg. I’m not able to take an aeroplane alone because I’m only 9

public – gong
eg. I don’t like public bathrooms because they are dirty

gas – you / put into a car
eg. some cars do not use gas because they are electric

truck – da ka che
eg. there are many things in the truck

metal – jin shu
eg. the fork is made of metal because metal is strong

raise – to make sth go up
eg. I raise my cup and say “cheers”

empty (v)
eg. I emptied the bottle

can (n) – tong
eg. I take the garbage can out onto the street


Jerry has no job any more. He has a little money. But he does not have enough money for rent. He cannot pay his rent. He has to move out of his apartment. He will move out next week. He will move into his car. He will put all his clothes into his car. He will put his pillows and blankets into his car. He will sleep in his car. He will look for another job. After next week he will not be able to take a shower. He will have to use a public bathroom. He won’t be able to drive his car. He won’t have money for gas. Jerry needs help.

Jennifer pulled the trash can out to the street on Monday morning. Monday was trash day. The trash truck came to her house. The truck had a metal arm. The metal arm picked up the trash can. It raised the trash can into the sky. It emptied the trash can into the truck. Then the arm put the can back on the street. On Monday afternoon Jennifer walked out to the street. The trash can was empty. She pulled the trash can back into her yard. Next Monday she would pull it out to the street again.