Online Class Notes (Jesse)




how are you?
how are you doing?
how’s it going?

I’m great / good / OK

What about you?
How about you?
And you?

pain / hurt / painful / sore – teng

am = shi
I am good
am = zai
I am running

Speaking exercise

He go to the kitchen and he open the fridge it have many ice and he broke the ice by fork and then the fork is broken. Maybe he want to put in the water or put on the face. He put the ice on the face and he was go to sleep and at night ice is melts. Mr Bean’s tooth is bad and he wakes up – he is angry. He is eat breakfast – he eat the toast and his tooth is pain and he go to the bathroom and he puts string between the tooth and he pull the string because he want to pull his tooth get out.

3rd person – 第三人称
tense – 时态
Subject + Verb 

He goes to the kitchen and he opens the fridge it has a lot of ice and he breaks the ice with a fork and then the fork breaks. Maybe he wants to put it in the water or put on his face. He puts the ice on his face and he was goes to sleep and at night ice is melts. Mr Bean’s tooth is bad and he wakes up – he is angry. He is eats breakfast – he eats the toast and his tooth is hurts and he goes to the bathroom and he puts string around the tooth and he pulls the string because he wants to pull his tooth get out.