Online Class Notes (Jesse)


he wanted to escape justice – run away and not go to jail

main character – the main person in a movie / tv show
eg. he is the main character

to be up in arms – to be very angry
= weapons
armed = to have a weapon
eg. the police are armed

put to death / executed – to be killed due to being a criminal
eg. he will be executed “ecks seck you ted”

mental hospital – a place for crazy people
eg. he’s in a mental hospital

bunch of – a few

some sort of / some
eg. what are you, some KOL or sth?
eg2. I dunno just some bug or sth

I got a good shot of my hair / my hair looks good in that shot – picture / scene of a video

as a courtesy – to do sth just to be polite / because you think you should

at any given time – all the time / at each time / at different times

what do I owe the pleasure? = what do you want / why are you here?

the press / journalist / reporter – comes from printing press

says – states
eg. the contract states I must do 4 videos a month

more than anything – the most compared to anything
eg. I love her more than anything = more than I love anyone else

my initial thoughts / my first thoughts
eg. my first thoughts are this pizza is amazing but let’s see how I feel at the end

by your own logic / using / based on your own logic 

i have nowhere else to be / i have nothing else going on / I don’t have anything else to do 


island – eye land 

just say – jussay 

what do I owe – wha doo waii yohh…
do I yellow?
do I owe