Online Class Notes (Jesse)


add me upadd me 

she is not close with him – she’s not close to him / they’re not close 

change her job – change jobs / get a new job

do you think if i can know your name? do you think I can know your name / can I ask your name? / can I get your name? 

do you have any jobs recommended? do you have any job recommendations? / do you have any jobs you can recommend for me?

most funnyfunniest

the day nextthe next day 

when i just got in google when I just started at google 

he’s german / he’s from germany


it makes my skin crawl – made me feel really uncomfortable / digusting

top 2 universities / one of the top colleges 

if you have a willingness to move to googleif you are really interested in moving to google 

namecard / Wechat contact

the story is not over

i was working out / I was in the middle of a workout

obligation (n) / obligatory (adj) / obligate (v) – sth you feel you should do
eg. maybe he feels obligated to help her

oblivious – to be unaware of sth that is obvious
eg. she’s totally oblivious to how she looks

scientology – a weird cult-like religion

cult – xie jiao

stringent – strict / thorough
eg. we have really stringent policies

do you feel like you’re burning out / do you burn out?