Online Class Notes (Jesse)


recently – zui jin

All these words in speakings need to be reviewed and taught in detail next class.


to do
I went to eat
I came home to sleep
I go to have fun
I went to have fun
I will go to have fun

Speaking exercise

These words I helped with.

On morning I wake up at 6 o’clock and I ate my breakfast in 7 o’clock. I eat beef noodles and then I put on my clothes and went to school. I go to school to write my homework. I go to school on foot. I finish school at 4 o’clock. I feel very relaxed.

After school I have a shower and in shower I wash my hairand I go to write my homework and to ate my dinner.

These are corrected

In the morning I woke up at 6 o’clock and I ate my breakfast at 7 o’clock. I ate beef noodles and then I put on my clothes and went to school. I went to school to write / do my homework. I went to school on foot and I finished school at 4 o’clock. I felt very relaxed because I already finished my homework at school.

After school I had a shower and in the shower I washed my hair, and I went to do my homework and to eat my dinner.

These words I helped with.

He is doing a picnic in the park with him teddybear. They eating cakes. A boy is play the airplane. The airplane almost hit the Mr Bean and his teddy bear and Mr Bean are angry. He is very angry and the plane cut Mr Bean’s teddy bear. The child are very happy but the Mr Bean want to hit the child because the air plane are cut his teddy bear.

These are corrected

He is having a picnic in the park with his teddybear. They are eating cakes and a boy is playing with his airplane. The airplane almost hits the Mr Bean and his teddy bear and Mr Bean is angry. He is very angry because the plane cuts Mr Bean’s teddy bear‘s head. The child is very happy but the Mr Bean wants to hit the child because the air plane cut his teddy bear.