Online Class Notes (Jesse)


national park / national reserve

depression / depressed 
eg. depression is a really serious condition
eg2. I am depressed

waterfall – pu bu

multicolored fish – lots of colors

customer – ke ren

feedback – fan kui
eg. the customer gave us some feedback

once and onceagain and again / over and over / time and time again

harmony – peace, happy, calm

original – yuan lai de
eg. the original design was very different

cheetah – the cat in the design

layer – ceng
eg. she used more than 80 layers for the design


if you is a design companyif you are a design company 

the bought the fish spend more than the fish we bought cost more than 100 RMB 

there has a beautiful riverthere is a beautiful river 

made by wood made from woodÂ