Online Class Notes (Jesse)


i will back to SH I will come back to SH 

they are rather they would rather 

much moneya lot of money 
much timea lot of time 


but I think why a lot of people at work but they don’t like I wonder why a lot…

insecure – to not have much confidence in yourself / not like yourself much
eg. she’s a bit insecure

logical thinking – good at logic
eg. his logical thinking is really good / he’s very logical

analytical thinking / analytical – to be good at analysing things
eg. he’s a very analytical guy

academic – sb who learns / studies / nerdy
eg. he looks more academic when he wears glasses / he looks nerdy

opinionated – sb who cares a lot about their own opinion
eg. my dad is very opinionated

tidy up – make things look nice and organised
eg. we need to tidy up after cooking

charge <  > pay
eg. Apple charges 8000 RMB for the phone so we need to pay 8000 RMB

interest – extra fees you pay on a loan
eg. we have to pay 2% interest on this loan

functions – things you can do with an app
eg. WEChat has many different functions, from calling people, to text messaging, to payment

to give yourself time to think: repeat the question as part of your answer, say things like “there are many ….. for example” / “one of the examples of ….. could be…”. Say obvious but related things at the start to give yourself time.

Describe a useful App that you think is useful
What it is
What functions does it have
How you use it
Why you think it’s useful