Online Class Notes (Jesse)


Make sentences talking about things around you, using this grammar logic:

This work is something that me and my teacher do together.
This work is what me and my teacher do together.
This work is a task that me and my teacher do together.

Tell me what you did tonight, add sentences using this logic:

after woke upafter I woke up / after waking up 

Add details using this logic:

when to use “to“? – only between 2 verbs

when to use “for?” – when you want to say how long 


question (ask someone)
problem (bad / need to fix)

allergy – guo ming (n)
allergic (adj)
eg. I am allergic to dogs
eg2. I have a dog hair allergy


when to use “to“? – only between 2 verbs

when to use “for?” – when you want to say how long

after woke upafter I woke up / after waking up 

if they yesterday to send to me if they sent it to me yesterday 

check they write the report is have problemcheck if the report that they wrote has a problem

i always to check the map is right or notI always check if the map is right or not 

This work is something that me and my teacher do together.
This work is what me and my teacher do together.
This work is a task that me and my teacher do together.

there have there is
i have / it has 

Needs more review

muzzle (n) 嘴套 something you put on a dog’s mouth to prevent it from biting
We put a muzzle on its mouth

rash (n) 皮疹
I had some rashes on my arms