Online Class Notes (Jesse)


she likes me very much – she’s a big fan of mine / she’s really pleased with me (happy with me) / she really likes me

hire – to bring an employee into a company
eg. I will spend time hiring new staff

admin (administration / administrative) – office work / computer work / ppts / excel
eg. I did a lot of admin work in my last job

payroll – the process / department that deals with paying staff
eg. I’m in charge of payroll

pension – the payment / money that retired people can access

recruitment – hiring staff – “ree krooot ment”
eg. I’m in charge of recruitment

suitable – fit

fit = good body, healthy, good looking, suitable, the right size
eg. she’s so fit = good looking / maybe healthy / good body
eg2. i want to go to the gym to get fit = healthy / good body
eg3. this job really fits my lifestyle = suitable
eg4. these shoes fit me = right size

fulfilling / fulfilled – makes you really satisfied + feel good + achievement
eg. having kids is really fulfilling

to have kids / children = maybe just 1
she has children = probably just 1

admire / envy / jealous
envy = to want sth sb has / to want to be like sb
admire = to think sb / sth is great or amazing
jealous = to be unhappy with sb because they have sth you want


my friend who didnt have her parents help she told me = my friend who didn’t have her parents help told me


praise – ay
prize – eye