Online Class Notes (Jesse)

Next Class Focus

Choose another episode from season 3 to discuss


Use some of the vocabulary from today in some writing. Choose a topic that lets you use the words we learned.


she came to here – she came here

she stays here on the weekend / for the weekend

i really want have my own kids – I really want to have my own kids

we usually not celebrate – we usually don’t celebrate

i have a lot of sentence that I can’t understand – there are a lot of sentences that I can’t understand 

stuff – non-countable
things – countable


bush walk – a walk in the forest/  jungle
eg. I went for a bush walk

3rd time – di san ci
3 times – san ci
eg. I have watched it 3 times
eg2. This is the 3rd time I have watched it

garage – the place you put your car
eg. I park my car in the garage

road trip – a trip you take by car
eg. we went on a road trip with the whole family

dust – small stuff that floats in the air
eg. there is a lot of dust in the city

puke / throw up / spew – tu
eg. I threw up

he’s good with his hands – he’s good at fixing things, building things

save face – yao mian zi

repetitive (adj) – repeat
eg. modern family gets repetitive after a few seasons

station wagon – a long car that you can put lots of things in
eg. they drive a station wagon

trip down the memory lane – to spend time thinking about the past, your past experiences


masculinity (mas kyou lin ni tee) – like a man

chaos (kay yoss) – crazy

Phil finally agrees to sell the old station wagon, but only after a family trip down the memory lane; Cameron asks Jay for help when Mitchell decides to build a life-size princess castle for Lily. Mitchell’s resolve to prove his masculinity (mas kyou lin ni tee) ends in chaos (kay yoss).