Online Class Notes (Jesse)


evaluate our company’s performance = judge

put a freeze on sth – to stop all of sth

drug store / pharmacy / chemist = yao fang
eg. I went to the pharmacy to get some medicine

during dinner / over dinner

metabolism – the speed of your body processing food / energy
eg. i have a really fast metabolism = I process energy quickly

personal trainer – someone who teaches you how to exercise

80 pushups in one go / all at once / without stopping 

spotting partner / workout partner

alternate – “AL ter nayt” (verb) – switch
eg. I used to alternate my excercises

dumbells – heavy weights you hold in your hands
eg. I have some dumbells at home that I can use for working out

be consistent – continue to do sth

injury – shou shang
eg. I had a foot injury


karate – “ka rar tee / tay”


is there any other schools? – are there any other schools