Online Class Notes (Jesse)

Next Class Focus

ask Jason which topic he was planning to discuss today

Today we focused on:

talked about the universe and focused on new vocabulary & corrections


i’ll watch some video who will talk abouti’ll watch some video that are about 

we have several times to improve the coal plant numberswe have increased coal plant numbers several times 

she name is yoyoher name is yoyo

the primary school what she studythe primary school that she studies at


other forms of life – aliens

the universe is vast / massive / expansive

diameter – from one side to the other
eg. the diameter of the universe is 93 billion lightyears

observable universe – the universe that we can see

telescope – a big thing we use to see really far
eg. we use telescopes to see planets and stars

advanced technology – technology development

asteroid – a big rock flying through space

there are not enough things / people etc

they are 5 years apart – the age difference is 5 years

superhero – marvel / superman etc

ambitious & diligent & driven
eg. I want yoyo to be ambitious, diligent and driven