Online Class Notes (Jesse)


in my rest time in my free time / in my lesiure time / outside of work 

figure = body / weight
eg. I really want a girl with a good figure / girls really care about their figure

botox – medicine you put in your face / skin to make it smoother & younger looking
eg. she got botox

to let your skin lighter – to make your skin lighter / to lighten your skin

procedure – operation / surgery but for small things like botox etc
eg. I had a procedure on my face

get addicted to it – can’t stop doing it / love it so much
eg. Michael Jackson got addicted to plastic surgery

plastic surgery – surgery to make you look different / better

I always had to – I used to have to 

fluent / frequent – remember the difference

I flicked through them

it’s too tired I’m too tired
it’s too tiring

low key – a little quiet, boring, not exciting, not colorful etc.

again and again / over and over / constantly
eg. we have meetings constantly

there are not many people in my company – our company has a small staff

postponed = pushed back
eg. they always push back the meeting

it’s really hard for them = they have a really hard time 

eat medicinetake medicine 


when I came to HK – I’m there now
when I went to HK – I’m not there now

make fun frommake fun of = to laugh at it
get fun from sth – I enjoy sth

when girls talking about some gossips – when girls gossip / i think gossip is bad 

singapore girl – singaporean girl