Online Class Notes (Jesse)


she is a crazy workaholic / total workaholic 

she’s close to me / we’re close

happy belated birthday!

you don’t want to mix business with pleasure / “don’t shit where you eat / sleep”

beijing duck – peking duck / bbq duck

crikey – australian for “wow”

bloody hell – australian for “wow / omg”

college entrance exam – gao kao

desktop / wallpaper – the back screen of your computer / phone / ipad
eg. i used to have SNSD as my wallpaper

catchy – easy to stick in your mind (song)
eg. this song is really catchy

break down – to make sth separated into simple / smaller parts + to become really depressed or unhappy
eg. she had a breakdown (depressed)
eg2. let me break it down for you (make it simple)

break up – relationships
eg. we broke up / it was a really tough break up

break / broke / broken

there were only 5 people left = remaining

domestic abuse – when your partner beats / hurts you
eg. he suffered domestic abuse

he has suffered a lot in his life / he has had a tough life / his life has been full of suffering


the first july the first of july 

she’s a chinese she’s Chinese 

2 of my colleagues they took a taxi

i paid all the thingI paid for everything 

that’s sorry I feel sorry for her 


lyrics – “li ricks”

Keanu Reeves – “kee yah noo reevzz”