Online Class Notes (Jesse)


when I over my cold – when I got over my cold / when I got better from my cold

lungs – fei

infection – gan ran
eg. I had an infection in my lungs, but I’m better now.

Corona Virus – COVID-19 / COVID – the recent sickness all over the world

eg. they swabbed my throat / they put a swab in my throat


contagious – able to give sth to others
eg. COVID is very contagious but a sneeze is not contagious

symptoms – problems you feel from a sickness
eg. one of the symptoms of COVID is a fever and breathing difficulties

yes – yeah / yep / yup / that’s right / exactly / totally 
no – nah / nope / nup / not really / not exactly / not at all

quarantine / isolation – ge li
eg. I was in quarantine for 2 weeks

livestream / livestreaming 
eg. I do livestreaming / I livestream every day

my alarm went off – the alarm starts making sound

take requests 
eg. I take requests from fans


reply themreply to them 

what / which
I like the drink that you like = I like what you like.
I like the drink. It is from Starbucks = I like the drink which is from Starbucks.