Online Class Notes (Jesse)


the connection is bad – the signal is bad

mentor / teacher
eg. she can be my mentor and teach me all about the industry

efficient (related to time) / productive (how much you get done) < > waste time or inefficient / unproductive
eg. if you think your productivity is low

WOFE – Wholly Owned Foreigner Enterprise

scope – all of the areas of business that your company will be involved in
eg. the scope of our business is teaching adults

involve – to participate
eg. I am involved in Katherine’s life

I sent a document to a group which she is in

in-season / peak < > off season / out of season / off-peak
eg. jewellry is in season at the moment / it’s peak season for jewellry right now

contribution / the thing you bring
eg. my contribution to the team is that I can train people

do a real business / do a business in reality

diversify (v) – to have different options / areas – diversity (n)
eg. we need to diversify our business

“it’s not personal, it’s just business”

checks / controls – things to control quality etc
eg. the company needs to have a lot of checks in place to make sure mistakes are not made

bachelor degree – 3-4 year degree at university
eg. I have a bachelors