Online Class Notes (Jesse)


Use some of the vocabulary from today in some writing. Choose a topic that lets you use the words we learned.


I met a bug – I saw a bug / I came across a bug

I yelled / he heard my yell
I screamed / he heard my scream

eel – man yu / other long snake things

worm – like an eel but lives in dirt and is small

take up pick up
eg. I picked up the corner of the paper

corner – guai jiao

biology – science of animals / plants
eg. I learned biology at school

phobia – a strong fear of sth
eg. I have a phobia of spiders

aroma – a nice smell
eg. the aroma of the flowers filled the room

sticky rice dumpling – zong zi

red bean – hong dou

red dates – hong zao

carbs / carbohydrate – tan shui
eg. I don’t want to eat too many carbs

dominated – to be controlled and beaten (win)
eg. i felt totally dominated by him

eg. I stood up quickly and walked away

she came over to me – she walked to me
eg. she came over to me and gave me the umbrella

in the daytime / during the day – bai tian