Online Class Notes (Jesse)


1 and a half hours / an hour and a half – 1.5 hours

all expenses paid – all of the costs of the trip are paid for by someone else
eg. they took me on an all expenses paid trip to LA

nucleic acid test – “nyou clay yick” / “as sid” – the test for COVID

swab – the thing they use to do the COVID test
eg. they swabbed my nose and my throat with a swab

you can drive for up to 3 months – the longest / maximum

Australia is seriousAustralia is strict – yan ge – there are lots of rules, and they punish you if you do anything wrong

nightmare – a bad dream / scary dream
eg. i had a nightmare / 2020 is a nightmare year

the tallest building in SH – most tall

they don’t allow big gatherings – people getting together


I check in a hotel I checked into a hotel

they spent a lot of money to this on this 

before 22 days22 days ago (from now)
after 22 daysin 22 days (from now)