Online Class Notes (Jesse)


I back to SH – I came back to SH 

it has finished being rebuilt – it was just finished

there have a lot of people there are a lot of people

these days the situation is get better is better 


vaccine – yi miao
eg. I hope there will be a vaccine available soon so I can get vaccinated

if the world used to be this situation if the world stays like this…

used to do = in the past I often / sometimes did sth

curator – ce zhan ren shen

auction – pai mai
eg. we will have an action for the paintings

economy – jing ji (E-commerce + control)

outdoors < > indoors
eg. they want to sell the products outdoors because it’s safer

we’re 2 hours ahead of China – the time difference between Sydney and SH is 2 hours

jet lag
eg. I was jet-lagged because of the time difference / I hate jetlag

scenic spot / tourist attraction – a place that many people travel to see / really popular with tourists
eg. I traveled to …. because it’s a popular tourist attraction