Online Class Notes (Jesse)

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May 10, 2019

Needs more review

carry sth out (v): 1- to do or complete something, especially that you have said you would do or that you have been told to do
E.g.: Our soldiers carried out a successful attack last night.
E.g.: Don’t blame me, I’m only carrying out my orders/instructions.

curfew “kur fyou” (n): 1-a rule that everyone must stay at home between particular times, usually at night, especially during a war or a period of political trouble(尤指战争或政治动荡时期实行的)宵禁,戒严
E.g.: to impose/lift a curfew 实行/取消戒严
E.g.: midnight curfew午夜宵禁
E.g.: He was shot for breaking (= not obeying) the curfew.

expel – when the school makes you stop coming because you broke the rules

malware – a type of computer virus that lets a hacker track a person’s computer and what they do with the computer without the person knowing

e.g. The US planted malware in Japanese nuclear facilities.

speak – to make words come out of your mouth
speak up – to talk louder / to talk when others are silent (to make yourself heard)
speak out – like protest / complaining to make your idea heard by lots of people