Online Class Notes (Jesse)


the cat purrs
why do cats purr? cats purr because they’re happy

the cat hisses
why do cats hiss? cats hiss because they’re angry

the cat meows
why do cats meow? cats meow when they want to talk to you

I have about 10 dollars

How is the weather today?
It is rainy
Why does it rain?
Do you like rainy days?
No I don’t like them
Why don’t you like rain?
Because I cannot go back home
Why does the night time have no more sun?

Why does it rain in the morning?

Why do cats eat mice?

Which animal can smell very far away?

Why can cats ears hear very far away things?

Why does the ice melt?
Maybe he didn’t turn on the air conditioner and it’s too hot

Speaking exercise

When the ice melt Mr Bean wake up. The fish kicks Mr Bean and he wake up and feels hurt. The fish was in the ice but Mr Bean didn’t know. Mr Bean is eating a bread and then his tooth hurts. He ties the string on his teeth and then use the other side to tie on the door handle and then he kick the door because he want to pull off his teeth but the string broke. I think Mr Bean should wait the teeth drop otherwise it will be hurt.

When the ice melts Mr Bean wakes up. The fish kicks Mr Bean and he wakes up and his tooth hurts. The fish was in the ice but Mr Bean did not know. Mr Bean is eating a piece of bread / toast and then his tooth hurts. He ties the string to his teeth and then uses the other side to tie to the door handle and then he kicks the door because he wants to pull out his tooth but the string breaks. I think Mr Bean should wait for the teeth to drop out otherwise it will hurt.