Online Class Notes (Jesse)


invest (v)
investment (n)

it’s a drop in the ocean – sth small compared to everything else
eg. my investment is 10,000,000 yuan which is a drop in the ocean compared to the whole market

leads / potential customers – customers you may sign up in the future / have the chance to sign up

I’m at a crossroads – at a time in your life where you need to make a decision which will affect your near future

breakdown – when your mind / emotions breaks and you have some problem
eg. I’m having a mental breakdown
eg2. have you had a mental breakdown?? = are you crazy

I was thinking of packing it all in and getting a job – quitting and stopping

mad / crazy 

impress – make sb think “wow”

recommendation (n)
recommend (v)

word of mouth – WOM

peaceful calm – “carm”

neutral – in the middle, not positive not negative

where do you go
what do you mean
how do you know
who do you know
what did you do

revenue = money that you receive
expenses = money you spend
profit = revenue – expenses = what you’re left with

go public – shang shi
eg. Luckin want to go public as soon as possible

cut down – do sth less and less
eg. I’m trying to cut down these days

braces – ya tao
eg. she got braces and needs to get them tightened

peer – sb who is the same age / social status as you

anniversary of his death


face to – face sth 


espresso – “ess press so”

Needs more review

he dumped you – he broke up with you