Online Class Notes (Jesse)


invented – to be the first one to create it

revenue – the money you earn
eg. they take 70% of the revenue

sales person – the person who sells things

constructive feedback – feedback that helps

butter them up – to say sth to make someone happy

pattern –  tao lu / mo ban
eg. he follows a pattern every time he wants to say something to the teacher… first he butters them up, then he says what he wants.
eg2. there’s a pattern that you can see when they want to break up

break up with me / dump me 

punch – hit sb

mean / aggressive – xiong de
eg. my cat before was very mean

strict – yan ge
eg. i was too strict with her

put her down – kill an animal
eg. i put my cat down

neuter / desex – to give your cat / dog surgery so they can’t make babies

stress – to have high pressure and feel bad
eg. cats get really stressed if they aren’t desexed