Online Class Notes (Jesse)

Next Class Focus

how to remember these 
his / her
he / she

he is stuck working – passive voice, why use stuck why use working


sulk – to show your unhappiness about sth
eg. the kid was sulking in the corner

I’m very passionate today – I’m very subdued today

concern (weaker) / worry (stronger)

break off the engagement

break up = stop the relationship

in a relationship – dating

neglect – to not give someone or an animal enough attention – “ni GLEKT”
eg. he neglected her during the trip

sex life – the amount and quality of your sex
eg. they don’t have a good sex life / don’t have a healthy sex life

“she feels like she’s walking on eggshells” – she feels like she needs to be super careful all the time and can’t express herself because she’s worried about her partner’s reaction

“she bottles it up / bottles her feelings up” – to not let out your emotions

that’s the worst relationship I have ever had

honeymoon period – the first period of a relationship that’s really exciting and passionate

argue / fight – chao jia
eg. we always argue

(weaker) debate < argue < fight (stronger)

stubborn – gu zhi
eg. some men are really stubborn

headstrong – ren xing
eg. my friend is really headstrong

he is stuck working / he’s completely focused on work / he’s totally immersed in his work


different to / from 

it‘s so tiring 
it makes me so tired 

I can do nothing I can’t do anything – there’s nothing I can do 


patience (n) – pay shenss
patient (adj) – pay shent

passion (n) – pa shen

attracts – a TRACKS