Online Class Notes (Jesse)


for 3 weeks later for another 3 weeks 

in recentlyrecently
eg. recently I have been really busy

punished for the reason of selling – punished for selling

buy sth with a high price – buy sth at a high price

10 times compared with before / than before10 times before / 10 times what it was before

as to iphoneas for iphone / in terms of / regarding  / in relation to 


i recall that – formal
i remember that – normal

affected by the necessary – affected by the demand / affected by the necessity 

the most bad thingthe worst thing 

if it became more expensive and i think less people would fly – then

airline companyairline

seize assets – take assets

break out – spread quickly (v)
eg. the virus broke out in other countries

breakout (n)
eg. there was a breakout of this virus

every peopleeveryone


amazing – amaayyyyy zing 
amazon – am ma zon