Online Class Notes (Jesse)


Use some of the vocabulary from today in some writing. Choose a topic that lets you use the words we learned.


the birds fly the nest / leave the nest – when your kids leave home

idiom – cheng yu
eg. there’s an idiom in Chinese which goes like __ __ __ __

wrap it up – finish
eg. im trying to wrap up the deal
eg2. let’s wrap up the class

indecisive – hard to make decisions
eg. she’s a really indecisive

weighing up her options / shopping around – comparing companies / brands to try to get the best deal

patient (adj) / patience (n)
eg. patience is so important in life / patience is a virtue

give a trick to herI trick her
to cheat on sb –
to sleep with someone outside the relationship
to cheat sb
– trick them

fire = let go
eg. I let some staff go

behind every successful person there are a million failures 

they cannot lie on others – rely on others 

imagine (v)
image (n)

do the right decisionmake the right decision

adapt to the situation
eg. I need to adapt to the situation

key-ring – yao shi quan

money doesn’t grow on trees – money isn’t that easy to get

business environment – huan jin

anklet – a bracelet for your ankle

during this period / during the time of…

curious – hao qi
eg. I’m really curious about the next step for the Chinese economy

get everyone’s hopes up – to make people be excited but

these days / recently – can be any time, it depends on the situation

rent – pay each month / period to use sth
borrow – to get something for a short time and then give it back
eg. I rented my apartment
eg2. I borrowed a book from the library

situation / affair / period 

opportunity – ji hui (n)

couch potato – lazy people
eg. he’s a couch potato


what’s your mean?what do you mean? / sorry I’m not sure what you mean / I didn’t really catch that 


bracelet – “brayss let”

debt – “det