Online Class Notes (George)


write a paragraph about your handcraft hobby

Writing exercise

I have study in college 3 years, in first year I’m a monitor and teacher assistant and join a group. Have many work and party in my life. In this year I make many new friends and quickly to adapt college life.
In next year is 2th year of my college life. I went to do some experiment and do some competitions of my major. This year is satisfied year, I have studied more knowledge. In this year I make an important decision. I’ll to prepare to become a high school teacher and postgraduation I want to study in Shaanxi Normal University.
In the 3th year is this year. It just spends a half year time. In this a half year, I have a now hobby: work with my hand. In my competition I make a group to join next competitions. And I will help the young students of group good to join next competitions.


I have studied in college for 3 years so far, the first year I was a monitor and teacher assistant and joined the student union. I had a lot of  work and party in my life. this year I made many new friends and quickly adapted to college life.
next year is the 2nd year of my college life. I did some experiments and did some competitions of my major. This year is a satisfying year, I have gained more knowledge. this year I made an important decision. I’ll prepare to become a high school teacher and post graduation  I want to study in Shaanxi Normal University.
this is the 3rd year. I just passed a half year time. In this half year, I had a new hobby: handcraft. I made/created a group to join the next competitions. And I will help/prepare the young students in the group to join better competitions.


first: 1st
second: 2nd
third : 3rd
forth: 4th

handcraft: 手工艺