Online Class Notes (Dimple)


prediction /prɪˈdɪkʃn/

volunteer /ˌvɑːlənˈtɪr/

control /kənˈtroʊl/


I beg your pardon = Excuse me = I’m sorry

cardio: the kind of exercise is oxygen consuming, like running, jumping ropes, cycling…etc.

lift weights: the exercise to build muscle

roommate: someone who lives with you

take over: an act of assuming control of something

day-to-day: adj. happens regularly on a daily basis; n. daily schedule/routine


At first I feel felt very excited because it’s my first time to do it. On the second at the second time, I feel felt good because I think it’s different from my usual day to day life such as my usual work from Monday to Friday. So I think get some volunteer activity is special for me.

(Q: how often do you go to this volunteer thing?) Once a week, it just only took takes me 15 minutes to finish it.

(Q: what else do you do in your spare time?) I go to the gym twice a week. I have cycling classes. I just only do cardio.

(Q: Did you get a new job?) This is my new job, I’ve been working for four months now.

(Q: How do you like it?) Just so so./ It’s okay.

(Q: What do you do at work? What’s your daily life like?) Something like maintaining the quotation and complete/finish the sales report and some other stuff.

(Q: What’s your favorite things to do?) Of course, my favorites are going to the gym and volunteering.

(Q: what’s your favorite thing about shanghai?) Nightlife? I’m not sure. I’m not sure about sceneries because there isn’t any mountain or ocean in near Shanghai.

(Q: did you watch the Tenet?) Yes, I quite like it. It’s about a robot who is played by Schwarzinger. And about a war between robots and people human beings. That’s all? It happens in the future. There is a bad robot and good robot. And the bad robot wants to occupy take over the world (instead of the human beings). [or you can say “The bad robot wants to take over the world and take the place of human beings.] And the good robot in order to protect the earth, so he choose fighting chooses to fight with the bad robot. [or you can say “He chooses the people and decides to fight with the bad robot.“]


Use some of the vocabulary from today in some writing. Choose a topic that lets you use the words we learned.

Write a story with the words “take over”, “cardio”, “day to day”, “human beings”.