Online Class Notes (David) [S]


  1. Be prepared to discuss your favorite vacation (旅游).

Speaking exercise

I sleep in morning and I go to school in the afternoon. -> I sleep in the morning and I go to school in the afternoon.

I slept in the morning, and I went to school in the afternoon.

I go to school and take some photos and back home.

I went to school and took some photos and went back home.

I play in June and  study in August.

I go play too. -> I will go to play too.

I like to play some music and read books.

I think is difficult and I can’t to speak it. -> I think it’s difficult and I can’t speak it.

It’s not very so hard. -> It’s not so hard. It’s not very hard. It’s not so very hard.


Currently – 现在, right now

ex: Currently, it is very hot outside.

non-fiction – true stories of things that actually happened, or books about things in the real world.

ex: I like to read non-fiction books about history.

fiction – books or stories that are not real or didn’t actually happen

ex: My favorite fiction books all have dragons.

improve – verb; make something better

ex: I want to improve my English.

grammar – 语法, the rules of a language

ex: English has a lot of very difficult grammar rules to remember.

specific – adjective; 具体的

ex: The teacher wanted a specific answer to the question.

confusing – to not understand something, 不清楚

ex: The tour guide did not do a good job explaining the history of the sights. His speaking was quite confusing.

relative/in relationship to – 相对的

ex: Relative to my home, his home was much closer to the subway station.

precise – 准确

ex: Make sure to take a precise measurement when measuring your height.


Articles – “a”, “an”, “the” – use “the” before specific nouns, use “a” or “an” before non-specific nouns.

Verb tense – For things that are happening now, use present tense. For things that happened before, use past tense

ex: sleep (present) – slept (past); go (present) – went (past); take – took

Preposition – a word that helps to describe time or place. Words like “to, near, before, at, after, in, on, back”

ex: I went to the store. He woke up after 8 o’clock. He went back home. She went into the store. He lives close to my house.