Online Class Notes (Ally)[S]


wrinkles: 皱纹

pent up: 被抑制的

freckles: 雀斑

en-suit bathroom: bathroom in your room

swollen: 肿了

ego: 自我;自我价值感

egotistical: 自我本位的;任性的;自负的

witty: 言辞诙谐的;巧妙的;妙趣横生的;机智的
ie. Fran makes a lot of witty comments.

hilarious: v-funny

preposterous: 荒谬的

repetition: 重复

reasoning: 逻辑


complement: 补充

intake: 摄入

strict: 严格

genuine: 真诚的
ie. Your genuine happiness is most important to me.

downplay: <>emphasize

Speaking exercise

I’ve been spending a lot of time on gym. I think it makes me feel better, and it gives me much more energy. Also it can help me to manage my time.
I’ve been spending a lot of time in the gym/ on working out. I think it makes me feel better, and it makes me have more energy/more energetic. Also it can help me manage my time better/It also helps me with my time management.

I have an app which count my calories everyday. I need to keep every meal.
I have/use/downloaded an app which counts my calories everyday. I need to keep every meal healthy/within a set calorie value.

I think an accident. Another friend asked me to go with him…
Just by chance. Another friend asked me to go with him…

I talked him with that about …
I talked with him about ….