Online Class Notes (Ally)[S]


stamina: (n)耐力; 耐性; 持久力
ie. You’ve got a lot of stamina.

fling: light relationship
ie. summer fling

waver: 动摇; 摇曳; 颤抖; 踌躇; 减弱; 犹豫不决; 举棋不定; 闪烁; 忽明忽暗;
ie. unwavering faith

Speaking exercise

Work is the first and last thing on my mind everyday.

with another language
in another language

We can do that by talking
We can just start off with a speaking practice
I can just tell you what I’m going to say

I will introduce you the attendees
I will introduce the attendees of this meeting to you.

specific times of the year


game: gay+m, not “gem”, isolate the 2 sounds; hear the “A”

run: short u

demand: not “demind”