Online Class Notes (Ally)[S]


ie. Wangyu’s future major is art education.

plan:计划(v动词 and n名词)
ie. What is your plan? (noun)
ie. I plan to go(v) to the UK.
ie. I’m planning.(v)/I’m making a plan.(n)

another: (不是这个,是)另一个
ie. Do you have another test?

ie. Other people think Kris Wu is a bad rapper, but I think he’s great.

student dorms: 宿舍
ie. Wangyu is living in (student) dorms.

getting along:相处融洽
ie. Wangyu is getting along very well with her roommates.

include: 包括
ie. Wangyu feels included (被接受了) in her new school.

exclude: 排除
ie. The girls excluded Wangyu from the party.

rich: 有钱

“have fun” : 好玩/玩玩
ie. We had fun. / It was fun. 挺好玩的 挺有趣的.
ie. Don’t be serious, just have fun.

serious: 认真的
ie. When she is serious, Wangyu can make very good English sentences.

most(名词 时间)/mostly(动词 形容词): 大多数
ie. You’re mostly in NJ./Most of the time, you’re in NJ.
ie. Japanese seafood restaurants are mostly very expensive./Most Jap restaurants are …

ie. You can relax because the test is next month.
ie. XM is a very relaxing city. I feel very relaxed in XM.


what changed? – 什么变了

“How is xxx” = 怎样
ie. How is your mom? How is your studies? How are you? 怎样
ie. How do you get home? I go home by taxi/ I walk home … 方式方法/怎样

“How long …”= 多久
ie. How long does it take to drive from my apartment to your apartment?

How + 形容词adj
ie. How fat is your friend?

ie. I have been teaching English for a long time./10 years.
ie. I only looked at the book for a second.

ie. once every 2 weeks. 两周一次
ie. once everyday/a day. twice a day. three times a day. many times a day.
ie. once every 2 years.

Speaking exercise

four, because another one , she’s bf come here
At the beginning, there were four girls in my room. But now, there are three girls, because one girl lives with her boyfriend.

How long have you girls been living together?
for 2 months – We have been living together for 2 months.

Now my student dorms is two people.
Now there are two people in the room, including me.
Now there is only one other person in the room.

We’re about(大概 大约) the same age.
Your future bf will be about 20 -22 years old.

they’re all very rich.

I go to SH two weeks once.
I go to SH once every two weeks.

I go to SH three times a month. – 我去上海一个月三次.
I went to SH three times this month. – 这个月我去了三次上海.
I will go to SH three times this month. – 这个月我会去三次上海.

Their English better than me.
Their English is better than mine.  (their- mine)
They are better at English than I am. (they are – I am )