Online Class Notes (Ally)[S]


crayfish: xiao long xia

roomba: sao di ji qi ren

pervy: like a pervert

flipflops: jia jiao tuo xie

rhetoric: 华而不实的言语; 花言巧语; 修辞技巧; 修辞
ie. They used complicated rhetoric to sound smart.

succinct: jing jian/ short and precise

narcissistic: zi lian

aptitude: talent (adj) apt


“turn it down a notch” – keep it on the low level

“dumb yourselves down”

“get over yourself” – stop caring so much about yourself/stop thinking you’re so great

make + achievement
nice make your acquaintance = nice knowing you

Speaking exercise

I think the majority of us are care about ourselves….
I think the majority of us care too much about ourselves to really empathize with
… are too self-centric to care about what’s going on in others’ lives
… that we are ignorant of others

I appreciate that my boss gave me another day of leave.
I’m appreciative of that …
I have appreciation for …

Very suffering
Very much like suffering (How is that?)

My heart broken
I’m heartbroken

2 of the DDRs were in outside of the arcade, right next to the road
…were outside to attract people’s attention

they think play dancing in public should be stupid
they think playing DDRs in public is stupid

they didn’t play them well
they’re not that good
they’re amateurs/noobs

the pattern of the steps are designed in accordance with/according to/based on the actual dance routine.


good = not gud

amateur = ama+ture