Online Class Notes (Ally) [S]


abortion: 打胎
ie. If you really don’t want the baby, you can get an abortion.

abort: suddenly stop something planned
ie. The SWAT team had to abor their mission.

fulfill: 实现 履行
ie. The police failed to fulfill their duty.

LGBT community: Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgendered
ie. The LGBT community is organizing a nation-wide protest.

up in arms:  拿起”武器” -》 very upset, angry and vocal
ie. The American people were up in arms over the misconduct of the police.

outspoken: 直率; 坦诚;  not quiet, someone who’s always saying their opinions out loud.
ie. She might look shy and timid but she’s actually very outspoken.

timid: shy

grown-up: (n) adult
ie. You’re allowed to make mistakes even if you’re a grown-up.

eugenics: good genes
ie. Eugenics has a biological significance.

biosphere: bio+circle 生物圈
ie. We have to protect the great biosphere.

eulogy: 颂词; 颂文; (颂扬死者的) 悼词

exemplary:  (adj) can be set as example ; 典范的; 可作榜样的; 可作楷模的
ie. My boyfriend is not an exemplary boyfried, but he’s OK, so I can’t complain.

in the mean time: while you’re waiting for something else
ie. My boss is in a meeting. In the mean time, would you like to have a cup of water?