Online Class Notes (Ally)


Make sentences with the new vocabulary for today.


den/study: 书房

up and running: 正常运行

chaotic:混乱的 灾难的

chaos: 混乱的disaster

connecting flight: 转机


contained: 控制, controlled
ie. The situation can still be contained if we act quickly.
ie. The spread of the virus is successfully contained.

contain:含有  包含

cautious: 小心的

PM prime minister: 总理

discriminate(against): 歧视

call people names: 骂人

downplay:  对… 轻描淡写



postpone: delay
ie. Can we postpone our meeting because next friday I will be in Beijing?

inbound: 进来的

federal: 国家级的

Speaking exercise

I have engaged / touched others -> I have been in (close) contact with other people.

I think people not have panick now. -> I don’t think people are in panick now.

I think it’s hard to say the virus can disappeared… They didn’t say the specific date.
-> I think it’s hard to say if/when the virus can dissapear.
-> Schools are closed down indefinitely./until further notice.


in touch vs in contact
in touch = 联系过 联络过
in contact = physical