Online Class Notes (Ally)


firmly: sure/hard
ie. A firm handshake means that you’re very confident.

offend(v):冒犯; 得罪 犯罪 (n) offense
ie. No offense. 没有恶意.
ie. I don’t want to offend anyone.
ie. Judy felt offended. (adj)
ie. Stealing is a serious offense (n).

suspicion(n): 怀疑 (v) suspect

cushion: 垫子

smokey eyes: 烟熏妆


protest: 抗议游行

brag: 炫耀

for good: 完整的/彻底的
ie. break up for good


“that’s gold” = when you say sth very NB

Speaking exercise

She has the same feeling with Bryce.
To me/imo, I feel she’s like Bryce./She gives me the same feeling that Bryce does.
She and Bryce give off the same feeling.

She was very quickly to escape to another topic.
She escapes to another topic very quickly.

Although I’m not a very high-level people./ Although I’m not very high-level, I still know what high-level people express
Although I’m not high-level, I know how high-level people express themselves.
Although I don’t have such impressive experiences, I know … 

You can get to know someone very clearly through her expressions, his or her range of the topics …

It’s very hurt.
It(s) hurts(v) a lot.