Online Class Notes (Alex) (S)

Today we focused on:

talking about superstitions

Speaking exercise

My mother was a christian about 30 years ago, when I was a child. But my father, he doesn’t believe in God and he didn’t agree with my mother to be a christian but it happened something when I was 3 years old. One day I stand beside at the border of the building. The building about 2 floor high. I just watched down. And I was thinking what I fall down. And then just 2 seconds I fall down from the border. And I remember I fall drawing circle, because my head fall down at first. My parents are not around me in that time. Just my grandfather accompany with me. When he heard I fallen down he dare not to look at me, he believes I must be dead. But the truth is I have several circle and I …. on the floor very well. Just a scratch. After this happened my father believed there might be God so he agreed my mother to be a christian and now he is also a christian.


My mother was a christian about 30 years ago, when I was a child. But my father didn’t believe in God and he didn’t agree with my mother being a christian but something happened when I was 3 years old. One day I stood by the ledge on top of the building. The building was about two-storey high. Then I looked down. And I was thinking “what if I fall down?” And then just 2 seconds later, I fell down from the ledge. And I remember my body was spinning as I fell, because my head fell down first and then I landed on my feet.  My parents were not around me at that time. Just my grandfather was keeping me company. When he heard I had fallen down he dared not looking at me, he believed I must be dead. But the truth is my body span around and I landed on the ground safely with just a scratch. After this happened my father believed there might be a God so he agreed my mother to be a christian and now he is also a christian.


fortune teller 算命 (a person)
e.g. I wen to see a fortune teller to know when I would get married

superstitious 迷信
e.g. I’m not superstitious but I met a fortune teller who was able to tell me something true about me

wrinkles = the lines that appear on your body as you get old

spin = move in circles, move round and round
e.g. the Earth is spinning 
e.g.Have you ever played “spin the bottle”? It’s a game where you spin a bottle on a table

land (as a verb) = to touch the ground
eg The plane landed in the airport

ledge = the edge of a high place
eg. the ledge of the balcony (阳台)