VIP Class Notes (Joe)


Do some writing and focus on the grammar you learned in class today.

Practice using ‘and’ in lists. Always place ‘and’ before the last item on the list. For example ‘I want apples, bananas and oranges’. Make at least 3 lists a day and practice saying them. It’s not enough to write it. You have to say it.


I want change another city
I want to move to another city

Rome is my best lovely city
Rome is my most beloved city
Rome is the city I love most

Before this building there have a square
There was a square there before this building was built

It’s great
I’m good / I’m great (When you answer the question ‘how are you’)

I think it’s a good idea both of these country
I think it’s a good idea to go to both of these countries

If you have one week you must be choose a place that you want to go
If you have only one week you must choose a place that you really want to go to

My best loves country is Italy
Italy is my most beloved country
Of all countries, I love Italy most

If you want to go Italy, I think you can choose the famous city, like Rome, Florence, Milan
If you want to go Italy, I think you can choose a famous city, like Rome, Florence, or Milan

Why you think this?
Why do you think this?

In my remember, I think South Africa have a lot of white people in Africa
As far as I remember, South Africa has a lot of white people

Is South Africa your born city?
Is South Africa your home country?

When you came into China?
When did you come to China?

Is Shanghai was your first city in China?
Which city was you first city in China?
Is Shanghai the first city you visited in China?

Do you have any other cities you went to in China?
Did you go to any other cities in China?
Have you visited any other cities in China?


Pizza (peet sa)

Chose (rhymes with ‘nose’)

Italian (ee tal yin)


Memory – noun – I have a bad memory

Remember – verb – I remember you