VIP Class Notes (Kyle) [W]


 Writing Homework:

How are people of the same generation similar to each other?


Use some of the vocabulary from today in some writing. Choose a topic that lets you use the words we learned.
Reinforce this New Vocabulary.

fluently: to be able to communicate smoothly, comfortably

I realized something= example: I realized English is very important to learn because it is useful in daily life.

to be afraid (make a mistake)= example. Maybe I am afraid that I cannot learn in the future… To be afraid of failure! 

A goal= an objective, something you want to achieve

failure= to not achieve one’s goal

professional= perfashional  

example. Our generation is made up of young professionals. 

appreciative – adjective, with to be

client- people who you do business with

extrovert/introvert= type of personality

similar- to be the same but a little different

example.  Extroverts are more talkative, they like to do more talking/communicating/sharing. Introverts don’t like to go out/socialize.

generation – a large group of people born in the same time, two about 0-10/15/20 years apart.

Previous Class Review:

My English name is Jane and I want to improve both my speaking and writing.  I work as an HR manager and I want to be able to talk to the foreigners in a friendly way in my workplace/office so I want to learn English. It is an American company: Fossil, this is an umbrella company  which sells watches. We own/have a lot of brands such as Emperio Armani , Michael Kors and so on….and our company‘s products also include necklaces and earrings both for women and men and we also do something with the brand Adidas for kids.

I don’t have many hobbies. I like to watch comics/anime. The Japanese manga detective Conan and One Piece.  When I was young I bought a lot of comic books and I also like to travel with my family. Mostly around Shanghai or maybe Japan or Singapore.  I only went to Osaka in the last two years and I will go to Tokyo with family in June.

Writing exercise

Practice Email Writing:

1st e-mail structure:

  • greeting
  • a compliment or pleasantry (if external email) / It was nice to meet you during the team building event / I hope you had a great holiday….
  • the reason for your email / I am writing to you because I have an issue with ….. / I wondered if you could help me with….
  • a call to action / Could you please ….. / please let me know by Tuesday.
  • a closing message / Thank you in advance / thank you for all your help with this / I am looking forward to hearing from you
  • signature / best regards, Jane…..

Dear Smart English,

I am writing this email to you all because I have learn many useful English knowledge from SE, and I also meet some kindly friendly/kind teacher in the class, so I am very appreciate/ appreciative for your help to improve my English

My best regards,


Dear Smart English,

I am writing this email to you all, because I’ve been really appreciating this experience so far. I have been so grateful to meet new people here at Smart English. The teachers are very friendly and professional.  I am very appreciative for your help to improve my English abilities.

I look forward to being client of Smart English/ working with you guys in the future / seeing you again!

My best regards,


<—-professional —- mix of both —- casual —>