F2F Class Notes (James) [S/W]




Speaking exercise

You prefer to go to Disneyland on the weekdays

I am learning English to find a new job.

I have a interview this Thursday.

I will be responsible to teach the doctors how to use the machines.

This is my job description Trainer.

My companies name is Solta Medical.

I will train for 1 month or I will train for the first month.

My interview is in Chinese and English.

I am nerves so I am preparing for my interview.

Anything else you want to add?

Writing exercise

Possible Interview Questions

1 Q:Why do you want a new job?

I work workload is too stressful because I have a mixed shift. Sometimes Day, Evening, & Night which make me tired.

I am looking for something more stable like day shift.

I can’t get promoted from within or advance my skills any further in this field.

Anything else you want to add?

2 Q: What do you know about what we do here?

You make medical devices and machines that I feel are far superior to your competitors.

Some examples why?…. Point out differences.

3 Q: Why do you want to work here?

More stable company, better working hours, more possibilities for promotion from within and benefits package.

4 Q: Why do you want to leave your current job in such a good industry?

I work workload is too stressful because I have a mixed shift. Sometimes Day, Evening, & Night which make me tired.

Its unhealthy and I would like a stable home life work balance.

5 Q: Can you tell me what your strengths are?

I work well with other to get projects done well and on time. I work well with Senior Management (doctors) & Staff (Nurses, Facilities,HR, everyone).

HW: What is your biggest weakness?


competitors -(Noun) An organization or company that engages in commercial (Business)