F2F Class Notes (Whitney) [W]


Create examples of alliteration using the following words:
1. impossible
2. afraid
3. candid

Writing exercise

We found a cat on the street two weeks ago. It is a white cat, only five or six months’ old. The main reason we took it home because it was is very friendly. However, after two weeks we adopted it, we finally realized the cat is used to being free, impossible for it to just stay at home. Before we always left home right on time, but not after it came to our house. Now we have to leave the house ten to fifteen minutes earlier, in case the cat escaped again! When it escaped, we couldn’t yell at it as it will be afraid which means we have to follow it for several minutes, walk through the grass or mud. I hope we can find someone who can accept it and take good care of it ASAP! We actually have three cats already, but none of them is like this white cat!

Note: Remeber to read out loud your work before submitting! More often than not, you are able to correct yourself if you take the time to read through your answers first.


Anagram [n] a word or phrase that can be formed by rearranging letters into another word:


Tom Marvolo Riddle = I am Lord Voldemort
Elbow = Below
Stressed = Desserts

Alliteration [n] using the same letter or sound at the beginning of closely connected words
e.g. Coca Cola, Mickey Mouse, Peppa Pig