F2F Class Notes (Whitney) [S]


Use new words “Arrogant”, “Admiration”, “Self-Made” and “Entrepreneur” in a new story.


Arrogant [adj] A person who is overly confident in their importance or their abilities
He comes from a rich family, so he has a very arrogant attitude.

Humble [adj] a personal quality that is a low estimate of one’s importance or abilities
She is the top sales agent for this company but still has a very humble attitude.

Self-made [adj] made by oneself
Our boss is not only successful but is also completely self-made!

Entrepreneur [n] A person who started their own business or their own company
Jack Ma is one of the most successful entrepreneurs in history.

Accumulate [v] to gather or to build up
Her goal was to accumulate a solid network of sales professionals.

Generation Z [n] term to describe people who were born in 1995-2010
Generation Z are known for their energy and good ideas.

Speaking exercise

Tell me about 3 things about entrepreneurs that you admire:


  1. Spirit, energy and thinking is important
  2. Need to have a good team, a key point to support you to develop your business
  3. Know people so that they give you a good start to the business


  1. Mentality (or Mindset)
  2. Support system
  3. Guanxi or social network

Do you have any qualities of an entrepreneur in yourself?

  1. Ability to communicate
  2. Have an existing network of customers

Next Class Focus

Review homework story. Explore the concept of start-ups vs. large commercial companies and how different types of entrepreneurs find success in these circumstances.