F2F Class Notes (Whitney) (R + S)


Continue reading the Masahable article about critiquing the Handmaid’s Tale. Make a note of the words that you don’t know.



Speaking exercise

What is your own opinion of the Handmaid’s Tale Season 2:

I think June has changed because in the first season she is very soft and cannot make decisions by herself. But in the second season, she knows where she goes and how to change to herself. She decided to stay in Gilead and help other women.

Even though the Handmaid’s Tale is uncomfortable I want to watch the result and see how they change this country. I still remember Mrs Waterford helped to June to escape so we can see that even when oppressed women are very strong in this tv series and have a strong spirit inside them.


misery (n) a great unhappiness/sadness
Life in Gilead is full of misery.

misogyny (n) dislike or hate women or treat women badly because they are women.
One of the main themes in The Handmaid’s Tale is misogyny, the tv series endlessly explores the ill-treatment of women.

nth (adj) n次
Women are oppressed (treated badly/unfairly) for the nth time in the Handmaid’s Tale.

morbid (adj) feeling dark, angry or sad.
The mood of the Handmaid’s Tale is pretty morbid

nuance (n) its a subtle or small difference in sound, feeling, an appearance or meaning.
The cold tone and colour used in the Handmaid’s Tale is a subtle nuance to the cold treatment of the Handmaids.

addictive (adj) when you really like something and have to have it all the time/constantly.
I am addicted to watching the Handmaid’s Tale.

claustrophobic (adj)/(n) someone is afraid of small spaces, a feeling of uncomfortable by your surroundings.
The Handmaid’s Tale is full of uncomfortable scenes, so you sometimes feel claustrophobic when you watch it.

peppered (adj) When you add a lot of something 
Poetry is peppered with romantic words.

defiant (adj) going against something or having independence when someone is trying to control you.
June started to show some kind of defiance during Season 2.

dextrous (adj) ingenious, having a skill, especially with your hands.
Piano players are especially dextrous.

transfixing (v) we cause someone to become motionless with horror, wonder or astonishment.
Many viewers are transfixed by the Handmaid’s Tale because it is so uncomfortable yet interesting.

depravity (n) the act of taking something away from someone like their freedom. (corruption/wickedness)
The Handmaid’s Tale explores how women in Gilead are deprived from their basic rights.

discernable (adj) Obvious or clear.
There is a discernable difference between Season 1 and Season 2.

intellectual (adj) intellect, mental or mind how clever you are.
intellectual (n) – a person who is smart
intellect – information about clients/customers or the market
intellectual – an intellectual conversation, a good, smart dialogue between two people.

excruciating (adj) intensely, very painful
Watching June almost die was excruciating.
Watching the Aunts burn a handmaid’s hand on the stove was excruciating to watch.

I broke my arm, it was excruciating.