F2F Class Notes (Whitney) [S]


dispatch [v] 发货 to send something to a destination
The seller dispatched my packages yesterday.

necessities [n] being necessary or unavoidable
Food, water and oxygen are true necessities.

eyebrow pencil [n] 眉笔

bubble wrap [n] 泡沫纸 plastic packing material with air bubbles

match-making [n] 相亲
My husband and I met through match-making.

Speaking exercise


Today I talked with my friends and I asked how many packages did you buy and many friends answered my question with 30 and another people answered with over 30. I think my packages is enough. When I review my packages I found something I didn’t want to buy. My favourite that I bought some easy supermarket thing like tissue and meat, when you eat hotpot you can put it in. Some book for my son. Some daily 日用品, noodles and bras. This years double 11 you need to count your savings, many friends make up an excel for preparing. I’m a lazy people you know, some people prepare for 20 days and use Taobao app to collect energy by clicking some links.


Today I talked with my friends and I asked, “how many packages did you buy?”. Many friends answered my question with 30 or more. and another people answered with over 30. I think I purchased my packages is enough. When I review my packages I even found something I didn’t want to buy. My favourite that I bought were some easy supermarket thing like tissues and hotpot meat, when you eat hotpot you can put it in. I also got some book for my son, some daily necessities such as Some daily 日用品, noodles and bras. For this years double 11, you need to count your savings and many friends created an excel to prepare for preparing. Some people prepare for 20 days and use Taobao app to collect energy by clicking some links, in comparison, I am  I’m a lazy people you know.