F2F Class Notes (Whitney)





job hunting – looking for a job

tailored – clothes that are custom made for you

rush – to be too quick
Don’t rush to decide anything

Papua New Guinea – 巴布亚新几内亚
Papua New Guinea is not a good place to settle down in.

white-collar worker – 白领
someone who works in a corporate environment (uses your brain)

blue-collar worker – 蓝领
labour, physical work (use your body and brain)

daytime – 白天

recruitment – 招聘

cultivating skillset – taking the time to build on your skills
For the first 2 years in a job, its all about cultivating your skillset.

foundation – 基础
A first corporate job will give you a good foundation.

conglomerate (n) 企业集团
Many Korean companies belong to conglomerates.

benefits – 福利
subsidy (补贴) – transport, rent
bonus (13新)
discount (员工价)

social security – 社保
social insurance and housing fund – 五险一金

annual leave – 年假
10 days of annual leave would be ideal

negotiate – 谈判 or 商议
Before you start your new job, you have to negotiate the salary and benefits.