F2F Class Notes (Vicki)


resort – du jia cun
i.e. I went to the skii resort last week.

court – chang di
i.e. The tennis court was empty.

crash into people

pandemic – yi qing
i.e. The pandemic is still pretty bad.

mouth-to-mouth – news spread
i.e. He spread his music through mouth-to-mouth marketing.

coordinated – xie tiao de
i.e. I am not a very coordinated person.

fort – 塔
i.e. She built a fort using snow.

ice sculpture – 冰雕
i.e. I want to go see the ice sculpture show.

escape room – mi shi
i.e. I like to go to escape rooms.

mystery – thriller
i.e. I enjoy mystery novels.

intimate – qin mi de
i.e. My relationship with her is very intimate.

role-playing – pretend to be other people
i.e. I like to play role-playing games.

bullet – zi dan
i.e. There is no bullet in the gun.