F2F Class Notes (Vicki)


goodbye (n.) – 离别
i.e. I can’t stand the goodbyes with my pets.

introverted (adj.) – 内向的
i.e. She is a little introverted.

introvert (n.) – 内向的人或事物
i.e. She is an introvert.

fur (n.) – hair on an animal
i.e. The room will be covered with fur.

heaviest (n.) – highest level of heavy
i.e. The heaviest cat can be 16 kg.

leash (n.) – the string to hold on to the pet when outside
i.e. We bought a leash for our cat.

lick (v.) – 舔
i.e. She likes to lick her fur to clean herself.

paste (n.) – 糊/膏
i.e. One type of the cat medicine is like a paste.

plant (v.)- 种植
i.e. You have to plant the plants.

sick (adj.) – 难受
i.e. She feels sick when she wants to throw up.

comb (v.) – 梳
i.e. We can comb the fur of the cat.

allergic (adj.) – 过敏
i.e. I am allergic to cats.

severe (adj.) – serious 严重的
i.e. My allergy is not very severe.

constantly (adv.) – 持续地
i.e. You will constantly be thinking about your cats.

carpet (n.) – 地毯
i.e. you have to clean the carpet.

seal (v.) – 封
i.e. You sealed the bed.

keep sb. company – 陪伴某人
i.e. The cats will keep you company.