F2F Class Notes (Vicki)


Write about a time that you had to overcome an obstacle at work

Writing exercise

What kinds of people do you prefer to make friends with?

Well, I really like to make friends with independent people person, I believe that’s the most important personality.
If my friends need me, I will be there anytime. But they don’t doesn’t need to do everything or share everything with me.

I also like to make friends with people the person who have a different life experiences from with me. We can exchange a lot of stories, cultural cultures, opinions and so on. We can open each other’s eyes, and learn about different lifestyles from each other.
By the way, it’s all based on respect, even though we are totally different, but we still respect each other.

And if you like movies, music, drinks, sneakers, diving, then maybe we can be good friends.


density (n.) – 密度

lightweight – someone who cannot tolerate alcohol too much
i.e. She looks like a lightweight, don’t give her any more drinks.

on the rock – 加冰
i.e. Can I have a gin tonics on the rock?

neat – no ice
i.e. I like to drink gin neat.

serious (adj.) – 严肃的
i.e. He had a serious look on his face.


We had two shot. -> We had two shots.We had two rounds of shooting. 

He exactly know what time he needs to smile. -> He knows exactly what time he needs to smile.

We need to brief to him. -> We need to brief him.

open vs. turn on 

open -> physical touch
i.e. open the door
i.e. open the bottle
i.e. open a website / pull up a website

turn on -> with switch
i.e. turn on the light
i.e. turn on the computer
i.e. turn on camera

too vs. either 

too -> positive sentence
i.e. I like cake. I like cake, too.

either -> negative sentence
i.e. I don’t like cake. I don’t like cake, either.