F2F Class Notes (Vicki)

Needs more review

In the wake of the World WarⅡ, the United Nations was founded. The UN is made up of six principal organs: the General Assembly, the Security Council, the Economic and Social Council, the Trusteeship Council, the International Court of Justice, and the UN Secretariat. These six organs together influence the international security, economy, and society. The most influential and well-known organ is the UN Security Council because its main task is to maintain international peace and security, which is the UN’s central mission. Five most powerful winning countries in the World War Ⅱ, Russia, the UK, France, China, and the U.S., became the permanent members of the UN Security Council, representing the UN and deciding the most important international security affairs.

As an inter-government organization, the UN should be unprejudiced. But there are heated denouncements about the UN’s incompetence in defying unjustifiable behaviours. For example, America fought against Syria in defiance against the United Nations Charter; North Korea is developing nuclear weapons despite the UN’s sanctions. But the UN did nothing constructive. The UN is like a school without a head master. Teachers make rules to restrict themselves and discipline the students, but once a teacher is not satisfied with the decisions, he can resign and steal some students to start another school. The rest of the / other teachers can do nothing but make useless sanctions. How come the UN has developed into this?

Well, even though the UN was first formed out of good intentions, it is based on martial forces — it is the five most powerful winning countries that founded the UN. This reveals the fact that the martial forces decide all. To continue the comparison, the teacher who decides to start another school must have extreme power. But if the rest teachers declare war, the school will be disastrous. And this bloody fact partly explained why the UN cannot take decisive and powerful actions. Perhaps during the time when the UN was founded, the UN didn’t need to worry too much about the international conflicts, as the post-war world was suffering and was eager to revive. But after all these years, there are more powerful, promising, and ambitious countries that which want to stand on the stage. Therefore, there are more conflicts than before. Since conflicts cannot be resolved by wars, the image of the UN is gradually being deteriorated.

I assume, the faster the word develops, the more conflicts there will be. Since arms are not suggested, what else can the UN do? What is the future of inter-government organizations like the UN?
Nothing, the UN can do nothing but wait for World War Ⅲ. It is said that the third World War is already on its way, like Russia attacking the America’s presidential election system to tamper with the voting. The third World War might be invisible but will / is having have greater power than before. After the third World War, the world will reach a new status. There will be inter-government organizations like the UN, but the laws made by these organizations will still protect the powerful countries’ interests. The world seems equal, but not. The state of the world will be like a fluctuation curve, rising and dropping at a certain rate.


male-gazed – point of view through the male’s perspective

throw a fit – lose their temper

placebo effect – the mindset that can lead us to thinking that we will get better

mind over matter – mind controls the body


Write about your opinion on feminism and it’s current restrictions. Is there hope for true gender equality?