F2F Class Notes (Tony) [W]

Writing exercise

These sentences about some data analyze at my work.
The total media cost from 2015 to 2017 July . In many products of men’s shampoo, the brands under P&G group and Unilever- Clear are keep the higher spending on the advertising. The P&G group include Rejoice, Pantene, Head & Shoulders these products,by the way Syoss, Klorane, See young, L’Oreal- Men, Ba Wang, Shiseido are take a lower spending.
From the total cost of all media ,The television of the traditional media is still the main way to communicate the brands advertising. Digital media cost was increased from 2015 to 2017 and gradually became the second main way to help clients to build brand awareness.
All of the Unilever- Clear shampoo products, the shampoo for men takes 40% in total cost.
In the whole year, the anti-dandruff products advertising cost has a little raise in the autumn.
In the total television media cost, the national TV channel take a big part. It’s a good way to cover nationwide audience.

These sentences are about some data analysis at my work.
The total media cost from 2015 to 2017 July . In many men’s shampoo products, the brands under P&G group and Unilever- Clear keep spending more on advertising. The P&G group includes Rejoice, Pantene, Head & Shoulders. While the other brands like Syoss, Klorane, See young, L’Oreal- Men, Ba Wang and Shiseido spend less on advertising.
From the total cost of all media, TV is still the main way to communicate a brand’s message. Digital media cost increased from 2015 to 2017 and gradually became the second main way to help clients build brand awareness.
Of all the Unilever- Clear shampoo products, the shampoo for men is 40%  of the total cost.
In the whole year, the anti-dandruff products advertising cost has a slight bump in the autumn.
In the total television media cost, the national TV channels are a big part. It’s a good way to cover a nationwide audience.


I delivered some work to my team member.

I dropped off some work for my team member.

drop    ed

drop – let it go and fall to the ground

eg: Don’t drop the coffee.

pick up – lift up off the table or ground, or other surface.

eg: Please pick up those papers.

put down – set down, gently

eg: You can put it down anywhere.

drop off – take something to a place, and leave it there.

eg: I need to drop off some books before I go home.

eg: I dropped off my son at school this morning.

eg: I didn’t drop him off recently, because there’s a virus at his school.

pick up – to go somewhere and get something or someone

eg: Can you pick up some vegetables for me?


Vowels (A,E,I,O,U)

drop – Drah p'(e)

droped – Drow P’d   (Also this is not a real word)            drOp e d    (Adding an E, makes the other VOWEL, stronger)

dropped – Drah p’D              pp    (Double P, makes the vowel not affect the O)

Hat    – hah’t

Hate   –    hAyt

analyze – Anna Lize

analysis – A Nall ih sis